Sit down to a meal that you can feel good about. We raise Freedom Ranger chickens according to the Animal Welfare Approved standards by A Greener World.
If you have a Dutch oven, roasting heritage-breed chickens is easy, and the meat shines in this preparation method. The heavy lids are great for locking in plenty of moisture during cooking.
Cooking your heritage bird is as easy as placing the chicken breast-side down, including onion, garlic, and butter for seasoning, and adding a cup of water to keep the steam at optimum levels. Then, for every pound, roast for 30 minutes at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, and you’ll be sure to have the best chicken your family has eaten in a long time."
At Joyful Wren, we feel good about offering a kinder option for people who eat meat. If you have questions, please feel free to text or call 312-715-7627 or email